Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 105

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 11
issue Number : 105

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 11، ، issue Number 105

The epilogue aspect of prefaces from the point of view of discourse analysis

Farshid Jafari , Effat Naghabi (Author in Charge), Habibollah Abbasi , Seyyed Morteza Mirhashmi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The writers of the prominent technical prose texts in their prose masterpieces have been influenced by the discourse of their era, apart from embellishing the preface of their work with various literary techniques, for artistic expression, beauty of speech, and attracting the attention of the audience. So that the preface of their words is linguistically, literary and structurally different from the text of the book and the discourse procedure of the author"s era. Thus, the examination of the prologue of this type of literary prose from different angles of rhetoric and discourse analysis deserves more attention. The epilogue aspect of these prefaces is a problem that has been less than the luck of the researchers of this type of literary texts.

METHODOLOGY: In this essay, we have tried to take a look at the prefaces of prominent historical and fictional prose texts of the 6th and 7th centuries by using the principles of discourse analysis and the descriptive and comparative method. These basics can be recognized and shown in indicators such as words, sentences or phrases, general concepts as well as hidden concepts of prefaces with regard to artistic expression techniques. By quantitative discourse analysis of words, combinations and expressions.

FINDINGS: By examining the approach to the discourse of prefaces, we found that the prefaces of each of the researched texts were written by the type of attitude, social position and status of the author with the common discourse of their era. In such a way that historical books have paid more attention to the mission of the preamble than fiction books; But from the perspective of qualitative discourse analysis, in the prefaces of the books Marzbannameh, Golestan and Rahat al-Sudor, more attention has been paid to the explanation of the topics and themes of the text.

CONCLUSION: By analyzing the style of the discourse governing the prefaces, which have also spread to the themes of the text, we came to the conclusion that two types of literary and political discourse prevail in the prefaces of Kalileh and Demeneh, and the competition between Ravini and Nasrallah Menshi in the prose genre is the dominant discourse that is in the preface of Marzbannameh. It is clearly defined. Saadi"s treatment of ethics has led to the strengthening of the sermon in the preface of Golestan. The type of writing and the use of various literary arts and poems in the preface of Rahat al-Sudor, two discourses of historical validity and literary validity are prominent. In Jarfadghani"s prose, the discourse of historical validity and adherence to the text is more prominent than the discourse of secretarial competition. In the preface of Jahangosh"s history, in addition to the historical and literary discourse, we are faced with a kind of cultural discourse that can be seen in some Iranian historical families.

Technical prose , fiction text , historical text , Quantitative and qualitative analysis

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